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Surya Area Rugs: Accent Pillow: HH-022 Yellow

SizePriceYou Save 20%Qty
18" x 18" Pillow Cover
18" x 18" Pillow, Down Filled
18" x 18" Pillow, Poly Filled
22" x 22" Pillow Cover
22" x 22" Pillow, Down Filled
22" x 22" Pillow, Poly Filled
Free Shipping
Manufacturer: Surya Rugs
Collection: Decorative Pillows
Style: Decorative Pillow: HH-022 Yellow
Specs: 100% Polyester
Origin: Made in China
Decorative accent pillows are a great way to accessorize your home. They allow you to try out today’s hottest trends, and are great for matching your décor to the season. Surya accent pillows have the same quality and beauty as their area rugs, and many coordinate perfectly with other items offered by Surya. Many of these pillows are available in both Down and Polyester Fill so you can choose the right pillow for you and your home. Plus, by purchasing a pillow cover only, you can create a collection of styles without needing to build a new closet!
Simple yet stylish. This pillow is a mixture of a solid and striped design. The color yellow accents this decorative pillow.
Main Style:
Secondary Style:
Solid & Striped
Surya Pillows
Style Number:
Color Family:
Yellows & Golds
For more than 30 years, the name Surya has been synonymous with high quality, innovation and luxury. The ideal rug can become the inspiration and foundation of an entire room design, and Surya’s collections have always been on the forefront of what’s new and upcoming in floor accents. They have rugs crafted from a variety of different methods including; machine made area rugs, hand tufted rugs, hand hooked rugs, hand woven area rugs and hand knotted rugs, and representing every style from traditional to contemporary. With over 100 collections, Surya truly has something for everyone.

There is no doubt you are getting a high quality product when you purchase a Surya rug

Surya has become an industry leader and is one of the fastest growing private companies. Most likely due to the quality and stunning items they offer. Surya offers rugs in a wide range of products, but when you make your purchase with PowerSellerUSA, you are guaranteed to get the best price.
Note: Due to differences in monitors, we cannot be responsible for variations in color between the actual product and the image shown. Please be advised, patterns and colors may vary according to size. Dimensions shown are as accurate as possible but some variation exists and this is not a manufacturing defect.